Monday, August 23, 2010

The First Post

"Back in the days when I was a travelling door-to-door encyclopedia salesman..."

That's how hundreds of stories told to my friends in the last sixteen years have begun.  Who woulda thunk that a crappy high-stress job taken out of desperation at a directionless time in my life would have supplied me with a lifetime of memories?  Well, my friends (and wife) certainly seem to appreciate my reminiscing about those days, and since everybody and his dog seems to have a blog these days, I figured, "Why not me?"


  1. Dude, don't tease me like this. Don't post your first blog post and not tell me a story! You're teasing me! Requesting stories STAT!


A couple of important points if you wish to comment:

1. The names have been changed to protect the innocent (and the guilty). If you know me or any of the people I write about, please don't mention their real names in your replies.

2. While the content of this blog isn't necessarily "child-friendly," I also do not want it to descend into wanton crudeness or abusiveness. A general rule of thumb might be "PG-13". Of course, I will be the final arbiter of what constitutes appropriate content, and may delete any comments at my sole discretion.